Do you want a little more artistic place?
You got a great opportunity here.

㈜JK GALLERY는 2002년에 설립한 이후로 현재까지 770개 이상의 공간을 설계, 디자인한 디자인 그룹입니다.
보이는 것과 보이지 않는 모든 것에서 사람을 배려하는 공간을 추구하는 ㈜JK GALLERY이기에
고객의 소리에 더욱 귀 기울일 줄 알며, 좋은 방법을 치열하게 고민하고, 아름다운 공간으로 삶의 가치를 이유 있게 합니다.


Think Creatively
& Innovatively

01. 프로젝트 의뢰

After signing up for the homepage, please post the inquiry letter and request for the project will be executed.

You can send an inquiry email to your company's email.

02. 컨설팅 및 레이아웃 제안

Suggest consulting and layout to suit the needs of each department and client. We'll show you the best layout to meet a variety of building, area, age range, etc.

03. 디자인 제안

Design for each department in the most suitable layout of the various layouts.

In a simple hospital, we solve the design as a cultural space with a variety of emotions.

04. 계약 및 디테일 디자인

Show detailed designs with 3D work piece.

We think of patients who are going to work and be treated there, rather than at the moment that it's shown, and we choose to be meticulous.

05. 시공 및 감리

Construction will begin with the final design. Construction period varies by level and department, but it takes about 4 to 5 weeks on average. In the construction site, inspection is performed safely and meticulously.

06. 사후관리 

It's a/s free one year after the construction is over. We do our best until the end with careful follow-up.